Making a smooth transition to Cigna Dental
On January 1, 2022, Cigna will replace Delta Dental as our dental plan administrator. Here are some frequently asked questions to help ensure a smooth transition to Cigna.
Are dental benefits changing?
Dental benefits are not changing, but there may be some minor differences between the way dental services are handled under Cigna.
Will I have to change dentists?
The dental plan uses the vast Cigna Total DPPO Network for participating dentists. These providers have agreed to reduce their fees for Cigna customers, so the percentage of the charge you pay is based on this lower contracted fee.
You can see any dental provider you wish — the plan has the same benefit levels for in-network and out-of-network care — but if you see an out-of-network provider and the charges exceed the contracted amount, you will pay your coinsurance amount, plus the difference between your provider’s charges and the contracted amount.
How do I find a list of network dentists?
Here are three ways:
Call Cigna Customer Service at 1-800-Cigna24 (1-800-244-6224).
Visit, select “Find a Doctor, Dentist or Facility” (when prompted to select a plan, choose DPPO/EPO > Total Cigna DPPO).
Register for or log onto and search for participating dentists.
Dental ID card
Your new Cigna dental ID card will arrive in the mail in late December. But you don’t need an ID card to access services; simply tell your dentist you have Cigna coverage, and they will verify it for you.
What else does or the myCigna app offer?
MyCigna is an online tool that keeps all your personal dental information in one secure place. Your private login connects you to provider directories, provider comparison tools, forms, discounts for other services, quotes on common dental services, research on health conditions, and more.
What is the Cigna Dental Oral Health Integration Program®?
The program covers additional preventive care to combat dental issues such as gum disease and tooth decay in members with certain medical conditions that carry a high risk of oral health issues. These conditions include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, maternity, chronic kidney disease, radiation for head or neck cancers, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, lupus, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, Huntington’s disease, and opioid misuse and addiction.
There’s no additional cost to enroll in the program; you must be enrolled to get reimbursed for qualifying services. To enroll, do one of the following:
Log onto, select Coverage > Dental, then fill out the registration form online.
Call 1-800-244-6224 and ask for a mailed registration form.
Have questions?
Call Cigna Customer Service 24/7 at 1-800-Cigna24 (1-800-244-6224). Representatives can help you:
Understand the basics of your dental coverage
Check if your dentist is in-network
Answer questions about claims, eligibility or benefits